Tuesday, February 07, 2006

One day in paradise

As I wrote yesterday I arrived safe and well. The flight was really nice since I both ran in to an old classmate of mine and that we didn't stop in Aleppo so the flight was only four hours. I had no problems at the airport, except for tipping the guy who carried my bag to the taxi ten dollars. I hope he needed them. I'm not able to call from my Swedish phone here but it's possible to send text messages. This made contact with Jonas a bit hard but I managed to get hold of him and a guy on the street handed me his phone so that I could call Jonas. He asked me to meet him in front of a mosque in Baramke. Of all the places to meet that might not have been the best but I was only mildly harrased and when I explained to everyone that I'm Swedish everything was ok. After meeting Jonas we went back to his really nice apartment and I had a shower, checked the news and sent my mother an email. Later in the evening we went out for some shawarma and strange soda, the shawarma was great, the soda wasn't. I tried to make Jonas go to the newly opened KFC but the refused so instead we went to a very western inspired coffee shop. They advertised things like San Fransico Blend and European Espresso. We also had the chance to check out our embassies. They looked fine, not. When I visited the Swedish one today I got a better look at things and it kind of looks like a reclaim the streets demonstration on steroids had been allowed to roam freely in the entrance area.

For now everything seem to be quite calm but rumors say that there'll be a demonstration against the French today and against the Danish again on saturday so maybe I'll go to Lattakia or something for the weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skönt å höra att allt gått bra.
Hoppas du kan hålla dig undan demostrationerna.
Ha det underbart. Kram, kram!

1:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

N, let me know where you are, it is night time in the usa, I didn't have to work so spent the night checking out visa stuff and flights to syria. want to see you again and here your arabic. I really, really, need to make this trip. Please write, cher

1:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jag följer bloggen med stort intresse (du är ju onekligen en intressant person med oerhört mkt att ge). Skriv ofta. Här händer i stort sett ingenting.

Hörs, störs, kram etc.


2:22 PM


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