Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I know I already wrote a post today but there's so much going on I just felt like writing another one. One thing is sure so far; I must have set a record in registring at the uni today. I managed to get it all done in one day. I started out going with J to campus in the morning but the office was closed so I had a cup of coffee and ten or so ciggarettes. Then I went back to the office and got my application form and the paper that I should hand to the Aids test center. After that I took a taxi that was expensive even by Swedish standards, but at least it got me there. Getting ripped off is after all a big part of the Middle Eastern experiance. At the center I had to first visit the "library" to have my picture taken and to make some photocopies of my passport. Then this guy at the center stuck a needle in to one of my veins and poured a couple of liters of my blood in to a tube. That wasn't too bad though, I've had worse, I have a small brother for God's sake. Then it was on to the embassy to get a paper stating that they have no objecions to me studying at the uni, which they hadn't but they told me to stay inside today, which I didn't. Now I was really getting hungry but food is a luxury best enjoyed at a later time. Instead I did some emailing and updated this page. When I finished that I went to the souq to buy some workout clothes and towels, yet again I was ripped off harder than a grandma in a Morrocan bazaar. At least I got everything I wanted before heading back to the center to get my result and I'm happy to say that I passed my first test here, the results came back negative, which I think was positive. With no time to spare I headed straight back to uni, got a hold of a pen to fill out my application form and handed everything in. All accomplished in just a little bit more than five hours. Good going boy! After all that I was so tired and out of cash that I had to go back home to pick some up. Too bad for me neither I or the cab driver knew where I'm staying so all of the money I had on me was spent getting almost back. I had to walk the last part. But I don't complain, that wouldn't just be me now would it?

For those of you that feel like you need my new Syrian number, please send me an email.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

du verkar inte riktig vara vän med din blog. se över tidszon inställningar och tänk på länkar och så. trist det där med ditt evakuerade dömjobb.

8:32 PM


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