Tuesday, August 22, 2006


And the war is over, I guess not only all good things must come to an end. But I'm for one is very happy that school is over. I barely got out of the last class alive, some quite demented person likened the entire thing as the mental equivalent of being tied up and having hot wax dropped on you. That doesn't sound to nice to me I say.

The last week and a half has been spent mostly on the road. I went to all different kind of places with one of my flatmates; Quneitra, Sayda Zeinab and Qamishli. Quneitra was among the most bizarre places I've ever seen. By some kind of serendipity we managed to visit Sayda Zeinab on Zeinab's death day anniversary, lots of people doing cool dances and singing. Qamishli wasn't even half as cool as the trip there. We took the night train and that's something I can really recommend. We even got clean sheets on the way back...

Now I'm going to spend all my time working on a paper. That also sounds like lots of fun...


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