Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Looking for a life in all the wrong places

I spent today looking for a place to live. It went pretty well and I visited some different places. Now it's more or less down to two different apartment; The first one is a really nice two room place with a washing machine and balcony and more or less everything else that you can want. It's also quite cheap but it's in a rather conservative neighbourhood and I'll probably get stoned for living my life. The other place is just a room without more or less anything except for a bed and a lamp, but it's really really cheap. On the other hand; to have a real apartment with all the luxuries for less than 15.000 lira/month might be worth it. Instead of paying half for something that's worse than a cell at my old job... Options, options. I think I go for the nice apartment, I've never been one to turn down a good stoning...

Other things going on: My computer broke down so I have no idea how to finish my thesis. I'll try to get it fixed but since it's a mac it's probably impossible. I'll just have to settle for being a notorious under performer. If anyone feels like sending me an old computer you're more than welcome to do so :) New ones are of course also accepted :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kan du skicka hem macen för lagning, eller?

10:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bra att du skriver långa inlägg, jag behöver ju något att göra på jobbet... Jag lovar att gå in dagligen!

För övrigt så ljuger Ingrid om att det inte händer något. Hon har ju både en Solnaman och ett rakat huvud.

11:37 AM


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