Friday, February 10, 2006

Sleeping in

Today is my first day to relax a bit. I really slept late this morning before moving all my things over to my new apartment. The good thing is that it's only downhill from Jonas place, the bad thing is that I had to go two rounds to carry everything. The rest of the day I've spent washing clothes and watching tv. I have like 300 channels on my tv but only four or so are in english and two of those are BBC World... I don't even have CNN but I do have a couple of Quran channels. That's really educational...

So I take some time to tell you about Damascus. It's a rather big city that I can't find my way around yet. I have to take a taxi whenever I want to go anywhere, and that include to the other side of the street. Arabs might be the most hospitable crowd around but when they get behind the wheel they go compleatly crazy. It's fun and interesting for awhile but mostly I just fear for my life. Other things I've learnt so far include that it's impossible to find a shawarma place or internet cafe when you want one but they're everywhere when you don't. The one I'm using right now is really good but also expensive. I guess it's all about quality here.


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