Friday, February 17, 2006

Riding with a truthsayer

The placement test didn't go as I well as I had hoped. I ended up in level four of eight. On the other hand it was just the level I was hoping for since that means I'll be able to stay here until August, just like I planned to do. I've already met anothe guy who's in the same class and he seems to know what he's doing so I guess it won't be too easy. At least I'll know the grammar part...

I've spent the last couple of days mostly hanging out with other foreigners. That mostly meant doing kind of touristy stuff, which I think you should also find time for when you're here. Last night we were supposed to go the the North Korean built panorma of the October War. Too bad for us, but good for our driver, it was closed when we got there. The cab driver was nice enough to inform us about it as we were two minutes away from the place. The cab drivers here are all just the best people. Instead we decided to go for dinner and later for some beers. First at a little posh Italian coffee shop and after that at the infamous Bar Saloon. At least we filled the place up...

As usual I got a cab to go home. The difference this time was that the driver was a little bit odd. He started by asking me what I thought about Arabs. When I told him I liked them he went on a five minute rant about what thieves and liars all Arabs are (and yes he was an Arab Muslim himself). I tried to protest and tell him that I have lots of Arab friends and that they are very nice. He just waived my protests away and said they just wanted my money. Just as he was being nice to me just because I was going to pay him for the ride... So yes, it was kind of a strange ride.


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