Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Return of a friend long lost.

I might have alluded once or twice to the fact that Hans is my best friend in the entire world. Around here people are mostly surprised that I carry him around where ever I go. Then again what would I do if I left him at home? But there is something else that's been missing in my life lately and that's my greatly beloved iBook. The wait has been long and painful but today I finally got it back and it works perfectly. The guys were even nice enough to give me a one year warranty on their work. It's pretty cool that I have warranty on my computer in Syria but not in Sweden. Getting the computer back was one of the two great things that happend to me today. The other was that I found this little newspaper stall that also tenderd "Extra White". I never even dreamed about finding my favourite chewing gum here in Syria. Considering that the most common one seem to be "Chicklets" it really came as a big shock. Still it was a very much appreciated one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hej Niklas.
Fick precis adressen hit av petra. Vi har värsta vintervädret och längtar efter våren! framkallade bilder för nån dag sen och det va ett på dig i vitan tror jag. Du är saknad här hemma.
Ha det fint. Vi hörs. Kram Jessika

9:47 PM


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