Saturday, April 15, 2006

Going in a circle

Now I'm more than ever at home in Syria. Life has become so based on routines that I don't really now what to write here anymore. Not that I'd like to say that it's only for the worse. Actually it's quite alright.

I'll spend most days waking up a little late for school, usually ending up taking a cab there. Spending for hours in class is kind of ok. Then I'll go to the gym three times a week and spend afternoons and early evenings either at Inhouse or at a random library studying and doing homework. Some evenings I meet up with some friends and smoke waterpipe and drink tea, except for on weekends when we go clubbing.

My exam actually went quite ok despite me making some really stupid misstakes in the grammar part of it.

The weather is completely amazing at the moment; sunny and really, really warm. I'm not one to complain about sun so I'm happy.

Also a small warning: Foreign women shouldn't go to Aleppo, at least not without a male escort. Apparently the men there are not like people in most other cities of the world...


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